Any fines for abuse complaints on the IP addresses assigned to us?

Customer need to pay abuse report handling fee.

For each abuse category, an IP address can incur a maximum of 1 abuse report handling fee per calendar month.

Abuse Category Activities Handling Fee

Copyright Infringements

Downloading pirated content through BT, etc.

2 USD / IP

Vulnerability warning

Exploitable CVE vulnerability.

8 USD / IP

Compromised service

Compromised service sending attack traffic, scanning subnets/ports, mining crypto, etc.

12 USD / IP


Sending out spams.

16 USD / IP

Malicious service

Phishing, virus spreading, botnet master node, etc.

20 USD / IP

Complaints IP holder

Abuse reports informing IP owner.

24 USD / IP

If an abuse case "complained to IP holder", it will be processed under this category and fees for other categories will not be charged.

The application of this rule is demonstrated in cases below

  • One IP address received 20 "copyright infringement" complaints in one calendar month. The monthly handling fee for this category is 2 USD.
  • One IP address received 20 "copyright infringement" complaints and 4 "spam" complaints in one calendar month. Under these two categories, the handling fees are 2 USD and 16 USD respectively.
  • One IP address received 20 "copyright infringement" complaints and 4 "spam" complaints in one calendar month. Among them, 2 "spam" complaints were copied to the "IP holder", so the total amount for this category was 24 USD; the remaining 2 "spam" complaints totaled 16 USD; the 20 "copyright infringement" complaints totaled 2 USD.
  • One IP address received 20 "copyright infringement" complaints and 4 "spam" complaints in one calendar month. Among them, 4 "spam" complaints were copied to the "IP holder", so the total amount for this category was 24 USD; the remaining 0 "spam" complaints totaled 0 USD; and the 20 "copyright infringement" complaints totaled 2 USD.

We hope that customers act on abuse complaints as soon as possible. If the same IP receives another abuse complaint in the next calendar month, the handling fees will be billed again.